Can I Afford a Truck Accident Lawyer?

YES.  you can afford a truck accident lawyer.  It cost you nothing to review your case.  You pay nothing if you don’t win.  If you win, you pay a percentage of what you receive as a settlement.  You cannot afford to resolve the matter without a lawyer.

Do I Need a Truck Accident Lawyer?

YES.  You need to have an attorney help you through a truck driving accident case.  The cases are complex and the truck companies have very good lawyers and investigators that will do anything to make sure you don’t get a dime.

How Much Does a Grand Rapids Truck Accident Lawyer Cost?

Krupp Law Offices charge NOTHING unless we win for you.  If you case settles or has a jury verdict, we will receive one-third of the recovery for our work.  We provide you with a written fee agreement.  We will make sure you know what the fees are and how they are calculated.

Who can be sued in a truck accident case?

In a truck or tractor trailer accident case, the truck driver, trucking company, or owner of the truck/trailer can be liable. In some cases, the facility responsible for loading the truck, or even the entity responsible for the contents of the trailer can be liable. Each case is different, you should speak with the truck accident lawyers at Krupp law Offices.  We offer free 24/7 consultation at 616-459-6636.

What should I do in the days following a truck accident?

  1. Record days of missed work or other activities in which you were unable to participate
  2. Keep a detailed list of any out-of-pocket expenses you incur
  3. Obtain a copy of the accident report prepared by the police
  4. Obtain a property damage valuation from your insurance company
  5. Write down all visits with doctors and other healthcare providers and keep a journal of any symptoms or pain you experience. Also, get copies of all test results, medications, treatments, and any other relevant medical information
  6. Never accept a settlement offer from an insurance carrier unless you have consulted with Krupp Law Offices PC

What should I do if someone from the trucking company call me before I’ve contracted Krupp Law?

Do not agree to make a recorded statement to the trucking company’s insurance carrier. Do not sign any forms sent to you by the trucking company and their insurance carrier. Immediately contact an experienced Local Grand Rapids truck accident lawyers at Krupp Law.

What to do after you’re in a car accident with a tractor-trailer?

  1. Document your injuries early, get competent medical treatment and take photographs in the hospital, or when you get home.
  2. Keep track of all expenses related to your injury, including prescription receipts, logged mileage for trips to doctors’ offices or physical therapy appointments, and home care expenses.
  3. Keep on ongoing, detailed list of all health care providers and facilities that you see to help you deal with your injuries.
  4. Do not sign anything given to you by an insurance company without consulting us, first. Insurance companies do not represent your interests. Your best decision is to educate yourself about your legal rights and speak to an attorney. You may have to sue to obtain the money to which your are entitled.
  5. Don’t be fooled by insurance adjusters who pretend to represent your interest. They will often attempt to convince you to sign papers and take settlement offers which are well below the compensation to which you are entitled.
  6. Document your injuries early, get competent medical treatment and take photographs in the hospital, or when you get home.
  7. Follow all treatment instructions and keep all scheduled appointments with your doctors and therapists to document your active cooperation with the healing and rehabilitation process.
  8. Large trucking companies have their own investigators and attorneys you need someone on your side.  Contact Krupp Law Offices PC for a free 24/7 consultation at 616-459-6636.

What should I do at the scene of a truck accident?

At the scene of the accident, you should do the following:

  1. Do not admit fault
  2. Never leave the scene of the accident
  3. Turn on your hazard lights
  4. Call 911 even if your accident seems minor
  5. Remain calm and remain in your vehicle (unless it’s too dangerous to do so)
  6. Seek medical attention for any injured drivers or passengers
  7. Unless necessary, do not move the vehicles until the police arrive
  8. Write down the names, addresses and phone numbers of all parties involved, including any witnesses
  9. Make sure you write down the names and badge numbers of any police officers that are investigating the accident
  10. Photograph the vehicles and any injuries sustained by you or your passengers
  11. Immediately notify your own insurance company of the accident
  12. Do not discuss the accident with anyone except the police or your own insurance agent or representative
  13. You are not required to give a statement to anyone but the police and your insurance company.

What can I do to protect myself after an accident with a big truck or tractor-trailer?

Truck accident cases are very complicated and require the immediate attention of a local Grand Rapids lawyer who knows the judges and juries. Trucking companies have unlimited resources that include lawyers and experts who are prepared to fight you—regardless of how injured you are. If you have been hit by a truck, the best way to protect yourself is to contact the Grand Rapids Truck Accident Lawyers at Krupp Law Offices PC.  We will defend your rights and ensure that you are fairly compensated.